
Bolstering research in artificial Intelligence to provide universal access to all knowledge, communication and languages.

Bolstering research in AI requires a multi-faceted approach that involves funding, collaboration, data sharing, talent development, and ethical considerations. By addressing these issues, we can ensure that AI research continues to advance and benefit society.

Collaboration is essential to AI research.

Our technologies are at the center of communication, GPU deep learning-powered modern AI - the next era of computing - with GPU infrastructure acting as the brain of computers, robots, and self-driving cars that can understand the world and its language pairs.

Collaboration is essential to AI research. Researchers from different backgrounds and areas of expertise can bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. By collaborating across different fields and industries, researchers can build on each other's work and make more significant breakthroughs.

There is currently a shortage of AI talent worldwide. Bolstering research in AI requires a steady stream of skilled researchers, developers, and engineers. Providing training and education programs can help develop the necessary skills and expertise for the next generation of AI researchers.

Prioritizing safety is essential when developing and deploying powerful AI systems.

This includes ensuring that AI systems are designed with safety in mind, that they are subject to rigorous testing and evaluation, and that they have mechanisms in place to mitigate the risks of unintended consequences.

We believe it is important to develop a clear ethical framework that guides the development and use of AI systems. Our framework are based on core values such as human safety, fairness, and transparency, and are developed in collaboration with diverse stakeholders including policymakers, industry experts, and civil society.

The development and deployment of OBTranslate® and OBMeet® AI systems are transparent, with clear explanations of how they work and what they are designed to achieve. This transparency can help build trust and enable meaningful engagement with stakeholders.

Continued investment in research is helping us ensure that our AI systems are aligned with the goal of making the world a better place. Our research is focused on developing new techniques and approaches that can enable the safe and ethical development and deployment of AI systems.


We are building (OBTranslate® and OBMeet®) Generative AI and machine translation models to learn translation with statistical models and a community-centered, humanistic, and interdisciplinary engagement that benefits all stakeholders, including diverse communities, creatives, and researchers.

AI research and Development

We are focused on development of AI systems that requires a range of skills and expertise, including computer science, mathematics, data analysis, and engineering. As a result, our AI research and development can create new job opportunities for individuals with these skills.

Job Creation

We are investing in AI research and development and by promoting education and training in AI-related skills, we can help ensure that the benefits of AI are shared widely and equitably.

Our AI systems can also be used to improve education outcomes, such as by providing personalized learning experiences, identifying areas where students need additional support, and automating administrative tasks. This can create new job opportunities for educators with skills in AI and data analysis.

Local Innovation

We are poised with the mandate to use (OBTranslate® and OBMeet®) AI systems to promote local innovation in both rural and urban areas through data-driven decision-making, automation, digital transformation, improved access to services, and innovation hubs.

(OBTranslate® and OBMeet®) AI systems can also be used to improve education outcomes, such as by providing personalized learning experiences, identifying areas where students need additional support, and automating administrative tasks. This can create new job opportunities for educators with skills in AI and data analysis.

We are building AI hubs in 54 countries in Africa and Europe, to serve as a platform for students, entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations to collaborate, share ideas, and develop new products and services.

Good Governance & Human Rights

We believe it is important to note that the use of AI must be guided by ethical and legal principles to ensure that it does not infringe on human rights or exacerbate existing inequalities. Additionally, efforts must be made to ensure that AI is accessible and affordable to all, particularly in developing countries, to ensure that it can contribute to sustainable human development.

Our AI models can help in protecting human rights by facilitating the identification of human rights violations and supporting the efforts of human rights organizations. For example, our AI systems can analyze social media posts and other online content to identify hate speech, discrimination, and other forms of human rights violations.

Equal Opportunity

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to play a significant role in fostering equal opportunity for all by eliminating biases, improving access to education and training, and supporting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Our AI-powered language tools can help support communication between people who speak different languages, and can help individuals with disabilities to participate more fully in the workplace.


(OBTranslate® and OBMeet®) AI-powered language tools can help refugees who do not speak the local language to communicate more effectively with aid workers, medical professionals, and others. Our AI-powered translation platforms can help refugees to access information and services more easily.

AI can help refugees to integrate into their new communities by providing language training, job search assistance, and other support services.

AI/MT for Development & Education

The use of (OBTranslate® and OBMeet®) AI tools and machine translation (MT) for development, provisioning of non-discriminatory language data modeling, and open-source AI technology can play a significant role in promoting development and reducing language barriers.

Machine translation can help to break down language barriers, enabling people to access information and services in languages that they may not be fluent in. This can help to promote economic development by making it easier for people to participate in global markets and access new business opportunities.

We are working hard to ensure that the data used to train our AI models are non-discriminatory and reflects the diversity of the population. This can help to avoid perpetuating biases and discrimination in our AI systems. By developing non-discriminatory language data models, our AI can promote more accurate and equitable outcomes.

Media and Communication

(OBTranslate® and OBMeet®) AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots can help in providing customer service and support to media consumers, improving the overall user experience.

Our AI-powered machine translation platform can help people in rural and urban areas, communicate across different languages. This technology can quickly and accurately translate text, speech, or even sign language, breaking down language barriers and facilitating communication.

Non-Profit Organisation

AI has the potential to greatly benefit non-profit organizations in fundraising, resource allocation, program evaluation, operations management, social media outreach, and disaster response.

AI-powered analytics can help non-profit organizations to identify potential donors and target their fundraising efforts more effectively. AI can analyze data on donor behavior and preferences to suggest personalized fundraising campaigns and predict which donors are most likely to give.

Artificial Intelligence and Political Framework

An appropriate political and regulatory framework for: voting transparency, accountability. One potential application of AI in politics is the use of chatbots and virtual assistants to interact with voters and constituents. We are building AI-powered systems that could help streamline the language and communication process and provide more personalized responses to individual inquiries.

There is also growing interest in using AI to help governments make better decisions. AI algorithms could be used to analyze data and identify patterns that humans might miss. This could help governments make more informed policy decisions and allocate resources more effectively.

NLP Research & Playground

We are investing in research, education, and training to ensure that the next generation of AI researchers, practitioners, and users have the skills and knowledge to work with OBTranslate® "Machine Translation and Generative AI" (Statistical modeling of communication, human languages, arts, and cultures), in a way that is community-centered, humanistic, and interdisciplinary.

Text & Code Generation

OpenBinacle's text generation algorithms, also known as large language models (LLMs), are trained on large amounts of textual data and can generate new text that is similar in style and content to the input data. Common applications of text generation include language translation, chatbots, and content creation and many more

Image Generation

Image generation in AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to create new images that are not based on existing data. These algorithms use a generative model to produce images that mimic the patterns and features of a training dataset.

There are different types of image generation techniques in AI, including Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and Deep Belief Networks (DBNs). These models are trained on large datasets of images, and can generate new images that resemble the original dataset, but with variations and new details.

Voice Translation & Transcription

Voice translation and transcription are essential components of modern communication and are increasingly being used in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, education, and business.

Voice translation involves the use of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to translate spoken language from one language to another.

Chatbot / Conversational AI

Chatbots and conversational AI have become increasingly popular in recent years, as businesses and organizations look for ways to automate customer service and support, and provide 24/7 access to information and assistance.


Paraphrasing in AI can be useful in many contexts, such as improving readability of complex text, generating variations of existing content for SEO purposes, and helping non-native speakers understand and use English more effectively.

There are several approaches to paraphrasing in Artificial intelligence, ranging from rule-based methods to more advanced machine learning techniques. Rule-based methods involve using pre-defined rules and patterns to replace words or phrases with synonyms, while machine learning techniques use large datasets to learn how to generate paraphrased sentences based on input data.

Semantic Search

Semantic search involves analyzing the relationship between words and phrases, and identifying the concepts and entities that are related to the search query. This can include synonyms, related terms, and other semantic relationships that go beyond simple keyword matching.

Semantic search is used in a variety of applications, including web search engines, enterprise search, and chatbots. It can also be used to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of recommendation systems and personal assistants.

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OpenBinacle® eXplore Research - GEO Analysis Workbench

Optimizing the allocation of bandwidth, frequency, imagery data and power to improve communication efficiency in Africa.

As communications blackouts become more frequent, it's crucial to set up smaller satellites to collect more frequent data, and acquire satellite imagery data to help provide value for Government institutions, companies, farmers, and victims of conflict - Refugees in Africa.

At OpenBinacle®, we have been working so hard in designing, developing, and deploying the (OBMeet®) AI-based tools and communications technology solutions that simulate everything from the heat of a semiconductor to complete system performance in a fully dynamic RF environment - Multipurpose, full wave 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation software.

We are still building OpenBinacle's GEO Analysis Workbench which has helped in creating angular momentum vectors from our facility to the geostationary orbit, also referred to as "geosynchronous equatorial orbit" (GEO) satellite, aligning and constraining coordinate system using these vectors and the Earth ICRF z-vector as the constrained vector, and also helped us in creating a fixed in axes vector within the coordinate system, from right ascension zero (0) and a declination of a (a = the angle pointing to the GEO belt from our facility as a function of latitude.

We know that Low Earth Orbit small satellites are agile and highly dynamic, moving at up to 8 kilometers per second. Communication is essential for managing the satellite network, controlling satellites, monitoring the health of space systems, and recovering strategic mission data.

Currently, OBMeet® also known as ("OpenBinacle Meet"), runs on multiple instances on thousands of servers on OpenBinacle® Cloud, configured with telemetry enabled and powered by OpenBinacle Artificial Intelligence (AI).

OBMeet® is pursuing a licensing deal to become a telecom operator for the African market, Europe, and the rest of the world.

We are grateful for the opportunity to learn and worked with some of the best minds in the space communication industry.

OpenBinacle® eXplore - coming soon.