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Introducing OBMeet® eXplore - GEO Analysis Workbench

Optimizing the allocation of bandwidth, frequency, imaging data and power to improve communication efficiency in Africa.

- Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

OBMeet® runs on multiple instances on thousands of servers on OpenBinacle® Cloud, configured with telemetry enabled and powered by OpenBinacle Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Currently, OBMeet® is pursuing a licensing deal to become a telecom operator for the African market, Europe, and the rest of the world.

As communications blackouts become more frequent, it's crucial to set up smaller satellites to collect more frequent data, and acquire satellite imagery data to help provide value for Government institutions, companies, farmers, and victims of conflict - Refugees in Africa.

At OBMeet®, we have been working so hard in designing, developing, and deploying AI-based tools and communications technology solutions that simulate everything from the heat of a semiconductor to complete system performance in a fully dynamic RF environment - Multipurpose, full wave 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation software.

We are still building the OBMeet® GEO Analysis Workbench which has helped in creating angular momentum vectors from our facility to the geostationary orbit, also referred to as "geosynchronous equatorial orbit" (GEO) satellite, aligning and constraining coordinate system using these vectors and the Earth ICRF z-vector as the constrained vector, and also helped us in creating a fixed in axes vector within the coordinate system, from right ascension zero (0) and a declination of a (a = the angle pointing to the GEO belt from our facility as a function of latitude.

We know that Low Earth Orbit small satellites are agile and highly dynamic, moving at up to 8 kilometers per second. Communication is essential for managing the satellite network, controlling satellites, monitoring the health of space systems, and recovering strategic mission data.

We are grateful for the opportunity to learn and worked with some of the best minds in the space communication industry.

OBMeet® eXplore - coming soon.